The Process
Omega will visit every site to conduct a thorough assessment of the setting, identifying the constraints and opportunities that may be apparent. We also carry out detailed studies of the area in which each site is located to understand local history, character and vernacular that may influence the urban grain and appearance of the development of the site.
Omega conduct detailed evaluations of new sites to highlight the opportunities that may be apparent through development and any benefits that may be possible for the new and existing local community. A technical analysis is also undertaken collaborating with other design team members to outline site constraints that may affect development and outline a development platform upon which emerging designs can be based.
The key to the creation of a new development is to outline a strong vision for the site and that sets placemaking at its heart. Omega do this by developing ideas through concept plans and option visioning, the process of which can draw out the idea within the site around which a design narrative can be formed, outlining key drivers for adding value to new development.
Omega will develop the key design principles progressively into more detail, whether that be through hand sketches or CAD drawings of site layouts, building plans and elevations. The team conduct a thorough appraisal of planning design guidance to ensure new schemes are compliant with local planning legislation, whilst also conducting a continual appraisal against national design guidance throughout the design process.
A key part of the design process is understanding and assessing the massing and townscape qualities of a scheme through the use of 3D modelling and imagery. Omega can illustrate design quality through hand drawn vignettes, CGI’s and photomontages, or live ‘fly through’ models. These can be used to the convey the design vision to local authorities, stakeholders and members of the public during consultation and design development.
In recent years Omega have successfully delivered drawing packages for new developments at outline stage up to 2,000 new homes, and at detailed design stage up to 500 homes. Omega’s architects and technicians are continually aware of the most up to date Building Regulations, and are capable of delivering the production of large packages of drawings to support complex planning applications.